Parent Information

A word from our Principal

Welcome to St Anthony’s Primary School. It is a privilege to be Principal of such a wonderful school with a dedicated, caring and supportive team of teachers and educational support staff.

We are committed to excellence and to making a positive difference to student learning. We are also committed to providing a safe and challenging environment that engages and stimulates students to become life-long learners with the academic, social and personal skills required to be productive members of a dynamic and global society.

St Anthony’s is situated within the City of Melton which is a very high growth area.

Our 2021 projected enrolments are 790 – these will be spread over the year levels as follows:  Foundation (5 classes), Year 1 (5 Classes), Year 2 (5 Classes), Year 3 (5 classes), Year 4 (4 classes), Year 5 (5 classes), Year 6 (4 classes).

In 2022, our sister school St Lawrence of Brindisi will open in Waterway Boulevard.  More details regarding boundaries and St Lawrence are included under enrolments and the St Lawrence tab on this website.

We are a very welcoming and inclusive community – 53% of our students have language backgrounds other than English.

For further information, or to arrange a school tour, I extend a warm invitation to all parents, including prospective parents, to contact the school to make an appointment.

I would greatly welcome the opportunity to meet with you.

Damien Schuster

School Principal