Year 3 WOW Work

Thank you for all your hard work Year 3, keep it up!

Last week the Year 3 students practiced their literacy reading skills; comparing and contrasting as well as sequencing events in relation to our inquiry question ‘Whose stories shape Australian History?’ 

For writing, students wrote an information report on Mary Mackillop which included; important events in her life, her achievements, and why Mary was inspirational. Through this students focused on including correct punctuation, paragraphs and detail in their writing. 


For Math the Year 3 students continued to practice their recall of multiplication facts through a variety of warm up activities. Students also continued to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of mental and written strategies to solve multiplication and division equations. The topic length was also explored through students identifying what type of measurement they would use to measure a variety of objects.  

Thank you for all your hard work Year 3, keep it up!

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