Twenty Fourth Ordinary

The Introduction 

We’re tempted to applaud when Peter gives the right answer. The other disciples fumble around, giving Jesus the daily buzz about what people are saying about him. But when Jesus asked them what they personally think, only Peter has an answer. It’s enough to make you want to cheer.

Especially because Peter is so often the gospel bungler, the guy who speaks first, thinks afterwards. He’s the guy, not unlike ourselves, who defends Jesus with a sword one minute, denies him with a word the next. And unfortunately, the same holds true in this instance as well. Even as we’re tempted to clap, Peter is already shooting himself in the foot. He knew the right answer, but he can’t follow through on it. He knows Jesus is the Christ, but he still doesn’t want him to get hurt.

And, the truth is, Peter doesn’t want to get hurt either. If he accepts the teachings about the Son of Man being murdered, then he’s got to wonder when they’ll be coming after him. So Jesus calls him the Devil, which must have cut deep. And then advises that they too prepare to lose their lives if they’re going to be his followers. Peter got the answer right, the first time. He, like the rest of us, just needs to work on the follow-through.

Who do you say Jesus is?

Do a little faith experiment. Trust God in every circumstance for one day. When things go awry, turn to God and not to you usual saviour. Find out how deep the waters of your faith go.

The Scripture (Mark 8: 27-29)

Jesus and his disciples headed out for the villages around Caesarea Philippi. As they walked, he asked, “Who do the people say I am?” “Some say ‘John the Baptiser,’” they said. “Others say ‘Elijah’. Still others say ‘one of the prophets’” He then asked, “And you – what are you saying about me? Who am I?” Peter gave the answer: “You are the Christ, the Messiah”.

The Story  – The Sixteenth Item

A quick run through the supermarket wasn’t the place Jennifer expected to learn a lesson in faith, but faith overtook her one Thursday in the checkout line. Jennifer had figured on just swinging by the shops to grab a few things before picking up the kids at school. One of those plastic hand-baskets was all she needed, and she got into the “15 items or less” line to speed up the process. But her run through the store ground to a halt when the elderly couple in front of her started having problems. First the woman forgot something on her list and sent her husband shuffling off to retrieve the item. Then came the inevitable struggle with the card reader. She swiped it upside down. Credit? PIN number? “Honey, what’s our PIN number?”

Jennifer kicked herself for coming to the store on Senior Discount Day. The words “stupid” and “idiot” began to flash in her thinking. Then a little booklet in the magazine rack caught her eye. Nestled between “Amazing Astrology” and “Celebrity Diet Secrets” was “Bible for Busy Mums”. She took it out and flipped it open to where Jesus talked about taking up the cross. It occurred to her that one of life’s little crosses was being offered to her right then and there. She changed her mind, offered up a kindly prayer for the old couple, and dropped the little booklet into her basket.

The Reflection

In his poem ‘Gareth and Lynette,’ Tennyson tells of the struggle Gareth has to leave home. He wants to become one of the knights of Arthur but his mother does not want him to leave home. She has already lost two of her sons to Arthur’s court. The mother produces excellent reasons for Gareth to stay at home and ignore his vision. Here, the tempter is using someone who loves him dearly to stop Gareth serving his vision. Gareth replies: O Mother, how can you keep me tethered to you – Shame. Man I am a grown, a man’s work I must do. Follow the deer? Follow Christ the King, live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King – Else, wherefore born. Gareth was not tempted through his mother but followed the vision as he saw it. Jesus could not allow Peter to sway from his purpose.

The Commissioning

Go forth from this place renewed in strength and courage, revived in heart and spirit, and redeemed with the power of a resurrected Christ to live and breathe and be and do what God has in mind for you. Amen.

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