School Fees and Levies for 2024

Fee payment information and option plans for 2024 have now been sent home.  Please check your children’s  school bags (eldest child)  for these. These  forms need to be completed and returned to the school by Monday 27 November 2023.  We thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

The school fee and levy structure for 2024 will be:

  • School Fees: $1,240 per family
  • Curriculum/Stationery Levy: $315 per child *
  • Excursion/lncursion Levy: $85 per child
  • Swimming Levy: $45 per child

Our fees remain the lowest of the independent and Catholic Schools in the Shire of Melton.  For 2024 we have increased our Excursion/Incursion Levy to $85 per child.  Bus costs are a significant component of excursion costs and these have more than doubled over the last few years.  This increase will allow us to cover these costs and to provide more educational and enriching opportunities for your children.  An increase in CSEF from $125 to $150 per child will offset this increase for many of our families who hold a valid health care card (means tested).

* Please note that the curriculum/stationery levy will be rebated for the third, fourth and fifth child in each family.

For your reference please  see below amounts payable for the year based on number of children/payment frequency, etc.



School Fee Concessions in 2024

Families holding a valid health care card (means tested) may be eligible for the Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) State Government payment of $150 per child (increased from $125 in 2023).  This is paid directly to the school and will be credited to your fee account.

Under MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) and St Anthony’s Concessional Fee Policy a further discount is offered to reduce total fees and levies payable (excluding Camps) to the amounts as per the chart below:


Eligibility for Concessional Fees is limited to families who fall within the following criteria:

  •   Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  •   Services Australia Means Tested Health Care Card Holder (eligible for CSEF)
  •   Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card Holder
  •   Refugee – must hold an ImmiCard to be eligible
  •   Experiencing genuine financial hardship (letter required to support application)

Should you you have any questions in relation to fee payment options and  plans please email

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