Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Book Week 21st – 27th August

In Term 3 St. Anthony’s Primary School will participate in CBCA Book week from the 21st- 27th of August, with this year’s theme being ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. 

Students will spend the week celebrating and reading the shortlist books of Australian children’s authors and illustrators. 

Students will also take place in a number of activities throughout the week, including:


On Wednesday the 25th of August students are welcome to come to school in their PJs! Please ensure students are addressed appropriately for the weather and the occasion. We encourage students to bring a gold coin which will be donated to children in foster care.


On Friday the 27th of August students will be encouraged to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. Students will take place in a Book Week Parade or Google Meet to celebrate all their favourite characters!

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