Museum of Play and Art

Year 1 Excursion

Last week on Thursday the Year 1 students went on an excursion to MoPA Geelong. The day was filled with learning and fun! We set off on the bus and arrived at a beautiful park for a picnic and some fun at the playground. It was great to see students taking turns, sharing and working collaboratively!

Then we arrived at MoPA. The students were placed into groups and rotated around 6 activities:

  • Makers (creating monsters)
  • Painters (working as a team to paint a car!)
  • Readers (listening to a live reading of Thelma the unicorn which included visual/audio effects)
  • Players (exploring dressups, computers and cars)
  • Builders (creating large constructions from blocks)
  • Explorers (exploring air suction pipes and famous paintings)

Creativity, design and teamwork was displayed all throughout the day! The students thoroughly enjoyed their time at MoPA and we wished we could have stayed longer!

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