Math Parent Information Night

With Michael Ymer

Thank you to all the families that participated in our Math Parent Information Night with Michael Ymer last Tuesday. It was a very informative and enjoyable experience that provided wonderful insights into how parents can support their children with their math learning at home.

Chatting to some of our families who attended the night, the overall thought was it was a fantastic session that provided them with lots to think about and a few strategies to use at home.

A summary of Michael’s ‘tips’ for parents:

  • Make math real for your children rather than focusing on ‘drill and practice’ pages of repeated math sums
  • Provide them with a budget to spend themselves
  • Have them look up locations on Google Maps as you explore new destinations
  • Cook with them to explore fractions and measurement in real life examples
  • Play games that involve math concepts
  • Have a positive attitude towards math, it’s amazing how much children pick up on their parent’s attitudes. If you say you are no good at math, your children are likely to take this attitude as their own.
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