Grandparent’s Day

Feast of St Anne and St Joachim

Wednesday 26th July is the Feast of St Anne and St Joachim, Jesus’ grandparents and Mary’s parents. On this day we will be celebrating the wonderful Grandparents in our school community. 

The children in Foundation to Year 3 will celebrate with mass at 10:30am and have their grandparents join them for a special activity in the classroom. Grandparents are welcome in the classroom from the beginning of the school day. Mass will conclude at approximately 11:15am. 

The children in Years 4-6 will celebrate the Feast of St Anne and St Joachim with a paraliturgy in Padua Hall at 9am. This will go for approximately 15 minutes. Grandparents are welcome to attend the paraliturgy, normal classes will begin after the liturgy. 

Children in Years 4-6 are welcome to attend the mass if their grandparents are attending with their younger siblings at 10:30am. Grandparents or siblings will need to collect them from the classroom and take them to mass. 

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