at St. Anthonys PS

In the week leading up to ANZAC Day, students and staff at St Anthony’s participated in a range of activities to commemorate and remember those who fought for our country in the war.

Grade 6 students recalled the history of the ANZAC at assembly and read the Ode. This was followed by the playing of the Last Post and a moments silence. Lest We Forget.


  • Foundation Harris & 2 Hodge – Artworks Reflecting the Unknown Soldier
  • Grade 1 Notaro & 1 Dumont/Temby – Read the book ‘ANZAC Ted’ in class and created letters to a soldier and created descriptions.
  • Grade 5 Martin/Watson & Year 3 – Researched and recorded the origins of the poppy and their
    symbolism for ANZAC and Remembrance Day. Students discussed the hidden meanings and emotive language of the poem ‘Flanders Field’.


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